
Medallion has the features that residential contractor requires 

Estimates & Proposals

Create accurate job estimates using takeoff measurements and quantity formulas.  Add overhead factor and desired profit margin to calculate final bid prices.  Generate and email proposals that include prices per plan and option prices per plan.


Add takeoff measurements (linear feet, square feet, count, etc) and use those measurements in item formulas to calculate item quantities for each estimate.  Identify item location and fixture type for selected items – example Primary Bath, Drop-in Tub.

Material Pricing

Takeoff material cost can be calculated using these methods – average item cost, lowest cost, preferred vendor cost, selected vendor cost, or standard cost.  The same or different method can be used when generating purchase orders for those material items.

Bid Calculations

Takeoff items can be totalled into user defined quote categories.  Then, add overhead factor and desired profit margin to calculate the proposal price.  You can override the suggested price and the new profit margin will be recalculated.

Contract Proposals

Generate customer contract proposals per plan that include work scope, fixture schedules, options prices, and phased billing schedule.

Options Takeoffs & Pricing

Create and price all options offered by the homebuilder.  Identify changes in labor, material, and subcontract that will be applied to job budget when the option is selected.  

Plan Specific Documents

Attached plan specific files like mini-prints, elevation drawings, and fixture schedules to estimates that can be viewed by any authorized Medallion user.

Project Management

Set up projects to identify builder subdivisions, subdivision phases, and available plans/elevations.  Enter and track subdivision information like total units, bid contact, and project supervisor.  Track project equipment like mobile storage units and security equipment.

Subdivisions, Phases, Plans

A residential subdivision is a project and each project identifies the plans offered in that subdivision.  Plan data includes stories, bedrooms, baths, and square footage.  Construction phases are entered as subprojects.

Project Data

Project data includes: job type, job territory, sales tax rate, your estimator, your engineer, and your job supervisor.  Projects also have builder data including: builder’s project number, project number, bid contact, project contact, bid due date, project unit count, and more.

Bid Managment

Identify the material vendors for material bids and the trade subcontractors for subcontract bids.  Record and award bids for base contract and options by builder plan.

Equipment Tracking

Identify equipment needed for the project and identify whether you plan to use your own equipment or rent equipment.  Enter estimated date range needed and estimated rental or internal equipment cost.  Track project equipment delivery, return, and status.

Project Documents

Link builder project documents like bid requests, plat maps, blueprints, specification sheets, etc.  Link your project documents like project work scopes, initial proposals, and final contract.

Production Scheduling & Management

The Medallion production calendar allows your company’s various operation centers to view, assign, schedule, and update field production tasks.  All scheduled job tasks can be viewed and filtered by customer, territory, field supervisor, project coordinator, subdivision, foreman, crew, and task.  Calendar users also have one click access to job options, purchase orders, attached drawing and files, and fixture lists.

Production Calendar

The Production Calendar displays the job customer, subdivision, job #, job supervisor, and project coordinator.  Users with “edit” rights can set and move estimated and actual task start dates, assign task foreman and/or crews, and view and edit office and field task notes.  The field supervisor can complete the quality control checklist, authorize piece payment, and set the task complete date.

Employee Task Assignments

Production tasks are assigned to foreman and/or crews and can be re-assigned quickly when needed.  Task assignees see their daily assigned job tasks on the mobile application, Medallion Field.  On their mobile device, the task assignee will see important job information like options, change orders, materials list, and attached drawings and file.  They can clock-in, clock-out, and update the task status.

Task Labor & Status

The Production Calendar displays estimated task hours, actual task hours in real-time, including elapsed time since task clock-in to current time, and current task budget variance.  Employee timeclock punch detail for the task is shown at the bottom of the screen.

Task Material

The warehouse task pick list that includes all standard and options material is printed from the Production Calendar.  When the assigned task material pack is picked up or delivered the delivery time and receiving employee is recorded.  Task statuses of Pick List Printed, Pick List Pulled, and Pack Delivered allow everyone with calendar access to quickly see material status.

Job Information

The Production Calendar displays job options, change orders, purchase orders, labor detail, and attached job drawings and files.  The calendar also shows office and field task notes for special instructions or information.  The same job and task information is also on the assigned task screen in Medallion Field.

Materials Management

Use estimates to enter material requirements by job task and identify whether the material will be supplied by your inventory (warehouse) or by the vendor (purchase order).  Print task warehouse pick list prior to task start date and stage pack for pickup.  Generate purchase orders prior to task start for vendor supplied material and designate whether order to be delivered to your warehouse or the job site.

Material Requirements

Estimates for each subdivision plan list material requirements by job task.  Options also list extra material needed or material subtracted when the option is selected.  Selecting options automatically adjusts each job task material requirements.

Generate Purchase Orders

Automatically generate purchase orders to lowest cost, preferred, or selected vendors for some or all of the materials needed for scheduled job tasks.  Purchase orders may be delivered to your warehouse for installer pickup, to project storage containers, or to individual lot.

Warehouse Pick List By Task

Print warehouse task pick lists for upcoming scheduled job tasks that include barcodes for scanning.  Use Medallion Warehouse application to pull pick list and stage task pack.  Identify task pack deliver time and received by employee.

Extra Material Requests

Field installers can use Medallion Field application to request additional task material.  Warehouse personnel can then use Medallion Warehouse application to fulfill extra material requests or process job material returns.

Warehouse App With Scanning

Medallion Warehouse is a smart phone application created for barcode scanning processing.  Functions include task pick list pull, task pack location staging, task pack deliver, extra job material pull and issue, job material returns, service material request pull and return, warehouse transfers, and inventory counts.

Physical Inventory Counts

Warehouse physical inventory count worksheets can be printed or entered by scanning with Medallion Warehouse.  Inventory count updates are entered in physical count spreadsheets, approved by warehouse management, and updated by processing count updates from the spreadsheets. Truck items stock levels can be set, periodically counted, and restocked through warehouse restocking screen.

Labor Management

Initial labor budgets by job task are entered in estimates and in options.  If you would like to option to pay by piecework, you can enter piecework pay amounts per job task and subtask.  You can also set up piecework pay by job task for options.

Field Timeclock

Field Timeclock is included in the Medallion Field mobile application.  Field installers see their assigned tasks each day and they use Field Timeclock to identify the pay type they are clocking in to.  Pay types can include Field Work, Field Driving, Material Pickup, Meetings, Lunch, and others.  When the pay type is linked to a job task, the time is immediately recorded in Medallion Office and can be viewed real-time in the Timeclock Status screen and the Timeclock Manager screen.  Hours approaching labor budget or over labor budget are highlighted. 

Timeclock Status

The Timeclock Status screen allows field supervisors and managers to see who is currently on the clock and who is not clocked in at any time.  The screen also lists the assigned job tasks or service orders for each employee and the status of those assignments.  A supervisor can manually clock-in or clock-out an employee if necessary.  Employees approaching overtime or already in overtime are highlighted.

Timeclock Manager

The Timeclock Manager screen is where all employee timeclock records are reviewed, approved, and adjusted if needed.  By having field supervisors finalize and approve all timeclock punches by the next working day, the actual job and service labor costs are known.  Once approved each workday’s timeclock entries can be “posted”, which creates a timecard record for payroll processing.

Task Piecework Pay

Piecework pay records are initially entered in estimates and options.  When a job task is completed, and the field supervisor has verified that completion, they can release the piecework pay to the employee or employees that worked on that job task.  The total piecework pay can be split by amount or by percentage between multiple installers.  Once a piecework pay record is paid, it cannot ever be claimed again.

Job Task Bonuses

Job task bonuses are an alternative to hourly and piecework pay where the installer receives a performance bonus when a task is completed under the labor budget. Medallion Office includes task performance bonus reports and screens that allow field supervisors to award the pay bonuses the pay week following the satisfactory completion of job tasks.

Subcontract Management

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla congue pulvinar tellus in gravida. Fusce posuere quis urna in eleifend. Etiam est justo, faucibus id nulla eu, consectetur fringilla eros. Maecenas finibus risus id pharetra faucibus. Vivamus ultricies nibh egestas libero egestas vulputate.

Subcontracts By Plan


Options Updates

Donec laoreet egestas diam euismod viverra. Proin gravida congue lorem a ornare. Suspendisse potenti. Aenean rutrum eleifend risus, nec porta arcu facilisis sit amet. 

Change Order Updates

Donec laoreet egestas diam euismod viverra. Proin gravida congue lorem a ornare. Suspendisse potenti. Aenean rutrum eleifend risus, nec porta arcu facilisis sit amet. 

Subcontract Pay Releases

Extra Material PO
Extra Material Pick
Job Material Returns

Service Scheduling & Management

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla congue pulvinar tellus in gravida. Fusce posuere quis urna in eleifend. Etiam est justo, faucibus id nulla eu, consectetur fringilla eros. Maecenas finibus risus id pharetra faucibus. Vivamus ultricies nibh egestas libero egestas vulputate.

Service Calendar

Donec laoreet egestas diam euismod viverra. Proin gravida congue lorem a ornare. Suspendisse potenti. Aenean rutrum eleifend risus, nec porta arcu facilisis sit amet. 

Service Techs Assigned

Donec laoreet egestas diam euismod viverra. Proin gravida congue lorem a ornare. Suspendisse potenti. Aenean rutrum eleifend risus, nec porta arcu facilisis sit amet. 

Tech Service Information

Donec laoreet egestas diam euismod viverra. Proin gravida congue lorem a ornare. Suspendisse potenti. Aenean rutrum eleifend risus, nec porta arcu facilisis sit amet. 

Service Labor & Status

Donec laoreet egestas diam euismod viverra. Proin gravida congue lorem a ornare. Suspendisse potenti. Aenean rutrum eleifend risus, nec porta arcu facilisis sit amet. 

Service Billing

Donec laoreet egestas diam euismod viverra. Proin gravida congue lorem a ornare. Suspendisse potenti. Aenean rutrum eleifend risus, nec porta arcu facilisis sit amet. 

Accounting & Financials

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla congue pulvinar tellus in gravida. Fusce posuere quis urna in eleifend. Etiam est justo, faucibus id nulla eu, consectetur fringilla eros. Maecenas finibus risus id pharetra faucibus. Vivamus ultricies nibh egestas libero egestas vulputate.

Accounts Receivable

Donec laoreet egestas diam euismod viverra. Proin gravida congue lorem a ornare. Suspendisse potenti. Aenean rutrum eleifend risus, nec porta arcu facilisis sit amet. 

Accounts Payable

Donec laoreet egestas diam euismod viverra. Proin gravida congue lorem a ornare. Suspendisse potenti. Aenean rutrum eleifend risus, nec porta arcu facilisis sit amet. 


Donec laoreet egestas diam euismod viverra. Proin gravida congue lorem a ornare. Suspendisse potenti. Aenean rutrum eleifend risus, nec porta arcu facilisis sit amet. 

Banking and Credit Cards

Donec laoreet egestas diam euismod viverra. Proin gravida congue lorem a ornare. Suspendisse potenti. Aenean rutrum eleifend risus, nec porta arcu facilisis sit amet. 

Financial Statements

Donec laoreet egestas diam euismod viverra. Proin gravida congue lorem a ornare. Suspendisse potenti. Aenean rutrum eleifend risus, nec porta arcu facilisis sit amet. 

Contact Management

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla congue pulvinar tellus in gravida. Fusce posuere quis urna in eleifend. Etiam est justo, faucibus id nulla eu, consectetur fringilla eros. Maecenas finibus risus id pharetra faucibus. Vivamus ultricies nibh egestas libero egestas vulputate.

Contacts List

Donec laoreet egestas diam euismod viverra. Proin gravida congue lorem a ornare. Suspendisse potenti. Aenean rutrum eleifend risus, nec porta arcu facilisis sit amet. 

Activity Calendar

Donec laoreet egestas diam euismod viverra. Proin gravida congue lorem a ornare. Suspendisse potenti. Aenean rutrum eleifend risus, nec porta arcu facilisis sit amet. 

Customer Portal

Donec laoreet egestas diam euismod viverra. Proin gravida congue lorem a ornare. Suspendisse potenti. Aenean rutrum eleifend risus, nec porta arcu facilisis sit amet. 

Employee Portal

Donec laoreet egestas diam euismod viverra. Proin gravida congue lorem a ornare. Suspendisse potenti. Aenean rutrum eleifend risus, nec porta arcu facilisis sit amet. 

Vendor Portal

Donec laoreet egestas diam euismod viverra. Proin gravida congue lorem a ornare. Suspendisse potenti. Aenean rutrum eleifend risus, nec porta arcu facilisis sit amet. 

Builder Integration

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla congue pulvinar tellus in gravida. Fusce posuere quis urna in eleifend. Etiam est justo, faucibus id nulla eu, consectetur fringilla eros. Maecenas finibus risus id pharetra faucibus. Vivamus ultricies nibh egestas libero egestas vulputate.

Contacts List

Donec laoreet egestas diam euismod viverra. Proin gravida congue lorem a ornare. Suspendisse potenti. Aenean rutrum eleifend risus, nec porta arcu facilisis sit amet. 

Activity Calendar

Donec laoreet egestas diam euismod viverra. Proin gravida congue lorem a ornare. Suspendisse potenti. Aenean rutrum eleifend risus, nec porta arcu facilisis sit amet. 

Customer Portal

Donec laoreet egestas diam euismod viverra. Proin gravida congue lorem a ornare. Suspendisse potenti. Aenean rutrum eleifend risus, nec porta arcu facilisis sit amet. 

Employee Portal

Donec laoreet egestas diam euismod viverra. Proin gravida congue lorem a ornare. Suspendisse potenti. Aenean rutrum eleifend risus, nec porta arcu facilisis sit amet. 

Vendor Portal

Donec laoreet egestas diam euismod viverra. Proin gravida congue lorem a ornare. Suspendisse potenti. Aenean rutrum eleifend risus, nec porta arcu facilisis sit amet. 

Payroll Integration

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla congue pulvinar tellus in gravida. Fusce posuere quis urna in eleifend. Etiam est justo, faucibus id nulla eu, consectetur fringilla eros. Maecenas finibus risus id pharetra faucibus. Vivamus ultricies nibh egestas libero egestas vulputate.

Contacts List

Donec laoreet egestas diam euismod viverra. Proin gravida congue lorem a ornare. Suspendisse potenti. Aenean rutrum eleifend risus, nec porta arcu facilisis sit amet. 

Activity Calendar

Donec laoreet egestas diam euismod viverra. Proin gravida congue lorem a ornare. Suspendisse potenti. Aenean rutrum eleifend risus, nec porta arcu facilisis sit amet. 

Customer Portal

Donec laoreet egestas diam euismod viverra. Proin gravida congue lorem a ornare. Suspendisse potenti. Aenean rutrum eleifend risus, nec porta arcu facilisis sit amet. 

Employee Portal

Donec laoreet egestas diam euismod viverra. Proin gravida congue lorem a ornare. Suspendisse potenti. Aenean rutrum eleifend risus, nec porta arcu facilisis sit amet. 

Vendor Portal

Donec laoreet egestas diam euismod viverra. Proin gravida congue lorem a ornare. Suspendisse potenti. Aenean rutrum eleifend risus, nec porta arcu facilisis sit amet. 

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